Calculate the total cost of the shares purchased including all of the fees. This calculator uses Malacca Securities (M+) cash upfront rate (min RM 8 or 0.08%) for all brokerage fee calculation.
Calculate the number of lots based on your capital. The calculator uses Malacca Securities (M+) cash upfront rate (min RM 8 or 0.08%) for all brokerage fee calculation.
Calculate the expected contract notes based on daily matched order from trading platform.
This calculator is based of Malacca Securities (M+) cash upfront rate and intraday rates.
Calculate the number of shares after corporate entitlements (split share, bonus issue and free warrants).
Example calculation price adjustment before and after bonus issue and split share:
No of shares | Price per share (RM) | Total value of shares | No of shares | Theoretical ex-price (RM) | Total value of shares (RM) |
1,500 | 1.20 | 1.800 | 2,250 | 0.80 | 1,800 |
1. Bonus issue of shares
No of share: 1,500 units
Price per share: RM1.20
Total value of shares: 1,500 x 1.20 = RM 1,800
Ratio: 1:2
Addition shares: 1,500 x 1/2 = 750units
Total share after bonus issue: 1,500 + 750 = 2,250 units
Theoretical ex-price: 1,800 / 2,250 = RM0.80
No of shares | Price per share(RM) | Total value of shares(RM) | No of shares | Theoretical ex-price(RM) | Total value of shares(RM) |
5,500 | 2 | 11,000 | 8,250 | 1.29 | 10,607 |
1. Bonus issue of share with free warrants
No of share: 5,500 units
Price per share: RM 2
Total value of shares: 5,500 x 2 = RM 11,000
Bonus ratio: 1:2
Warrant bonus ratio: 1:2
Addition share: 5,500 x 1/2 = 2,750 units
Total share after bonus issue: 5,500 + 2750 = 8,250 units
Free warrant: 8,250 x 1/2 = 4,125 units
Exercise price = RM 1
Theoretical ex-price: (2.00 X 2) + (1 X 1.00 X 1/2) / 2 + 1 +(1 x 1/2) = 1.29
2. Bonus issue of warrants
No shares: 2,500 units
Price per share: RM1.50
Total value of shares: 2,500 x 1.50 = RM 3,750
Ratio: 1:2
Free warrant: 2,500 x 1/2 = 1,250 units
Exercise price: RM0.80
Theoretical ex-price:(1.50 x 2) + (1 x 0.80) / 2+1 = RM 1.27
Enter your number of units currently held on Ex-Date and this calculator will calculate dividend amount you will received on payment date.
Enter your capital to get recommended amount to subscribe.
Units to apply | Tier | Cost |
100 | 1 | RM 0.00 |
300 | 2 | RM 0.00 |
1,100 | 3 | RM 0.00 |
2,100 | 4 | RM 0.00 |
3,100 | 5 | RM 0.00 |
4,100 | 6 | RM 0.00 |
6,100 | 7 | RM 0.00 |
11,100 | 8 | RM 0.00 |
20,100 | 9 | RM 0.00 |
50,100 | 10 | RM 0.00 |
100,100 | 11 | RM 0.00 |
200,100 | 12 | RM 0.00 |
500,100 | 13 | RM 0.00 |
1,000,100 | 14 | RM 0.00 |
2,000,100 | 15 | RM 0.00 |
5,000,100 | 16 | RM 0.00 |
10,000,100 | 17 | RM 0.00 |
Trading limit can be obtained from My Account -> Account Summary -> Available Trading limit
Total Portfolio Value can be obtained from Portfolio -> Market Value (Bottom)
Trading limit can be obtained from Account Summary -> Available Trading limit
Total Portfolio Value can be obtained from Portfolio -> Total Portfolio Value
Terdapat perbezaan antara Trust Account dan Available Trading Limit.
Trust Account adalah jumlah dana sebenar yang dimiliki dalam bentuk tunai yang disimpan.
Available Trading Limit pula adalah jumlah dana yang boleh digunakan untuk sebarang transaksi pembelian saham.
Sebagai contoh, sekiranya anda membuat deposit sebanyak RM10,000. Apa yang akan berlaku selepas itu?
1. Dana yang anda depositkan akan dipaparkan dalam akaun Trust anda pada hari dagangan berikutnya.
2. Bagi akaun tunai pendahuluan (Cash Upfront), Trading Limit adalah kira-kira 99.5% - RM40 daripada jumlah deposit ke dalam akaun Trust.
Terdapat sejumlah wang yang dirizabkan atau diketepikan sebagai penimbal (buffer) untuk bayaran pelepasan, duti setem dan caj broker.
Oleh itu, Trading Limit yang tersedia dalam akaun adalah sedikit kurang daripada jumlah dana yang didepositkan.
3. Berikut merupakan contoh pengiraan Trading Limit yang tersedia:
Available Trading Limit
= 99.5% x Trust Account - RM40
= 99.5% x RM10,000 - RM40
= RM9,910
Oleh itu, jumlah dana yang anda boleh gunakan untuk belian saham adalah sebanyak RM9,910.
4. Jumlah dana asal dalam akaun Trust tidak akan berubah. Hanya jumlah dana dalam Trading Limit yang akan berubah mengikut pengiraan seperti di atas.
5. Trading Limit akan sentiasa dikemaskini setiap masa iaitu selepas anda deposit, selepas anda beratur saham dan selepas belian atau jualan saham. Baki dana dalam akaun Trust pula akan dikemaskini selepas 2 hari bekerja, iaitu selepas anda melakukan transaksi belian atau jualan saham.